In this series I’m interviewing SLP boss women who work by day as a speech language pathologist, but at night (and on weekends) they are building a business. I’m talking about websites, blogs and therapy materials for their fellow SLPs and teachers. These are women I admire professionally and who inspire me. I write this series because I feel we can all make our practice as SLPs better and stronger by connecting with other SLPs.[spacer height=”20px”]

Can you imagine interviewing a guru? That’s what I felt like when I had the great pleasure of a phone chat with Dr. Carole Zangari. Not only is she is a professor of Speech Language Pathology at Nova Southeastern University(my alma mater) where she teaches AAC classes at the master’s and doctoral level; she also supervises AAC clinical services for children and adults, and administers an AAC lab. She has presented and published on AAC topics in national and international venues. She is a past coordinator of ASHA’s AAC Division. I could go on and on. Suffice it to say, she has opened the doors of AAC for thousands.[spacer height=”20px”]
Tell me about yourself in seven words: passionate about aac, support colleagues + next generation[spacer height=”20px”]
Where did you go to grad school?: Doctoral degree from Purdue University (where I spent most of my graduate time), Masters degree from College of New Jersey and undergraduate degree from the University of Pittsburgh.[spacer height=”20px”]
What are your top three SLP must haves (other than your own amazing materials)?:
“Well, Anne, I learned not to get attached to therapy materials early on. I was working with adults with pretty significant behavioral and cognitive impairments during my CF. My supervisor was pretty old school and of the belief that an SLP should be able to do therapy with (almost anything). Periodically, she would meet us at the door as we were going in to do therapy, hold out her hands and we’d have to turn our materials over to her and then go do therapy. We learned pretty quickly to focus on strategies. But if I did have to choose I would say internet access, a laptop and a mobile device, then you can access just about anything.”[spacer height=”20px”]
What do you love most about what you do?:
“At this point in my career, every day is different. I spend about one third of my time with the autism grant and then teaching with the AAC clinic. For my hobby I have Praactical AAC. I love the diversity and being able to touch the next generation of SLPs.”[spacer height=”20px”]
Tell me your advice for the newly minted SLP: (Anne’s note: This is GOLDEN)
“Mindset. Commit yourself to being an excellent clinician. It can take a long time. Give yourself time to learn, but commit to being great. The real prize is in the outcome.”[spacer height=”20px”]
Tell me about your blog:
“I started it in 2011 with my dear friend Robin Parker who passed away a few years later. We decided we would write blogs we wished we had when we got started. Although we started it for SLPs, it has broadened to include parents and other professions. We receive 2800 page views every day, with an additional 2300 mailboxes that receive a daily post as well. At this point there have been over 1500 posts.”[spacer height=”20px”]
What SLP-boss inspires you? :
“Jane Farrell in Australia. Her energy, her ability to lead teams and change entire schools. I’m inspired by every conversation we have or post I read.”[spacer height=”20px”]
What is your favorite children’s book?:
I don’t know if you remember Caps for Sale? It’s a oldie but a goodie. I read it when I was a kid. It’s so fun for describing and acting out.[spacer height=”20px”]
What about picture books?:
All of the Alexandra Day books about Carl, like Good Dog Carl. They are so language rich, with a cool take on absurdities. They have almost no text, just the beautiful illustrations.[spacer height=”20px”]
I feel so inspired now! How about you? If you’d like to know more about AAC, please go to the award winning blog Praactical AAC.[spacer height=”20px”]
Let’s commit ourselves to being great,[spacer height=”20px”]

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Check out the books Dr. Zangari likes here: Caps for Sale, Good Dog Carl
Anne, thank you so much for this interview. I am at my desk early and took some time to see what great SLPs are doing and this series is so meaningful to me. I am so excited about all the continuing education available to me. AAC is out of my comfort zone but I decided to dive into what makes me uncomfortable, so this post comes at the perfect time. Dr. Zangari I absolutely love the Good Dog Carl books, my copy is all tattered from use.
That is so wonderful to hear, thank you Jenny. I’m still soaking up all the information I can on AAC, so much to learn!