Quick Tip for Paperwork

Quick Tip for Paperwork

Here is the Tuesday’s tip to go with Kim Jarvis’s quick Tip Tuesday

Quick Tip Tuesday Linky Party.


When I am finished scoring a student’s testing protocols, I grab an my evaluation results sheet,  a goal sheet for the teacher and a (I like this one by Kim Shepard on TPT) data collection sheet.  I place them all with the protocols. That way, when I am writing up the evaluation and the IEP they are all together and easy for me to complete.


I am a big fan of Evernote for storing my drafts and templates. Never using the students birthday or last name keeps everything confidential. I just write a new note for each task, making notebooks by school year.  Another big plus is that Evernote syncs with all your devices.  If you haven’t tried it, I really recommend you have a look.  It’s FREE.


I hope you can use these tips to make your workday a little easier! Or maybe to spark another great idea. Keep doing what you do to make the world a little brighter.

Quick Tip Tuesday: Magnet hooks and Aleene’s Tack-It

Quick Tip Tuesday: Magnet hooks and Aleene’s Tack-It

quick Tip Tuesday

Here are two Tuesday Quick Tips, part of the School SLP’s Tuesday Linky Party (Thanks Kim Jarvis).

Magnet Hooks

Magnet hooks for SLPMagnet hooks file cabinet

I love using magnet hooks to keep me organized. With very limited space, I can use the sides of my file cabinets for my schedules and clipboards. That way they are super handy and in sight.

Aleene’s Tack It

Tack It

Maybe you already know about this but I just found it recently.  I read about Aleene’s Tack It glue on someone’s blog (thank you, thank you whoever you were, I am forever in your debt). It goes on wet like glue but dries tacky and makes a great alternative to velcro (which can be pricey) I used it this week for the first time on this awesome Let’s Answer Questions book.  (I really recommend this product as well, it’s on TPT from The Autism Helper)

There you go, two items that have made my life a little more organized, saved me time and money. I hope they do the same for you! For more Quick Tips go to School SLP Quick Tip Tuesday.

Quick tips to make the SLPs life easier

Quick tips to make the SLPs life easier

Today I am linking up with Kim Jarvis from theschoolslp for her Quick Tip Tuesday Linky Party.

quick Tip Tuesday

 Poker chips for Speech Therapy

I just got these cardboard trays from the cafeteria; they are what the individual peanut butter or jelly packets come in. I bought cheap poker chips at the dollar store. Each student gets a bag of poker chips and a tray. Everytime they correctly complete their turn ( articulation or whatever goal you are focusing on) they get a chip. If I feel like they are starting to get bored, I make the next turn a double chip turn (for twice the amount of work.  Whoever fills their tray first wins! And you win too for getting them to practice a skill 20 times while having fun.

Did you like this post? If you did, please tell your SLP friends about it and follow me on Bloglovin. Or sign up  on the left for email notification. Make sure to click on the link for theschoolslp  to find more Quick Tips and to checkout Kim’s blog. Keep doin what you do!