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I empower SLPs to help ALL the kids, even the ones with complex communication needs.
I knew I wanted to help other SLPs when I started creating therapy ideas and materials that really work for these special kids.
I know what it feels like to have therapy fails. Like when you get halfway through the school year and you think “Oh no! I haven’t helped this kid at all. What’s wrong with me?” That’s not a good feeling is it?
I wanted to feel that sense of satisfaction and competence I felt with my general education kids with ALL the kids, even the really complicated, tricky ones.
My first assignment in Arizona was a school with two functional life skills classrooms. I tried bringing small groups of kids from the class to my therapy room and doing therapy the way I did with the rest of my caseload. Can you guess what happened? Yep, huge fail!
I quickly realized that what typically works for “regular” speech therapy sessions wasn’t going to cut it in the functional skills classroom.
All the theory that I learned in grad school was important but let’s be honest, it didn’t help me when I had kids crawling under the table, crying and totally not paying attention.
Now I’m sharing what I know with SLPs and special education teachers so they can do great things for their students. I’m still “in the trenches” working in the schools so I’m giving you first-hand knowledge. By using a system that implements core vocabulary, motor planning, modeling language and teamwork, we can give all students a “voice”.
Want to keep this conversation going? I’d love to give you my best secrets, strategies and shortcuts every week. They’ll come right to your inbox, just subscribe to my email list.

My Professional Bio
Anne is an ASHA certified speech language pathologist with a Master of Science degree in Speech Language Pathology from Nova Southeastern University. She is an award-winning blogger and international speaker. She has worked as a speech therapist for a Title I school for the past 11 years. She is currently the Assistive Technology Lead serving 19 schools in Phoenix. Anne is passionate about AAC. She loves the challenge of finding the best communication support system for her students.

A little more…
When I’m not creating resources and courses, you can catch me hiking or hanging out on my patio in beautiful Southern Arizona. I just might be having a glass of wine with my most-interesting-man-in-the- world husband Brad. If you’re dying to hear more, here are five things you might not know about me:
- I’m hopelessly addicted to shoes (think Carrie Bradshaw without the credit card debt)
- Target Dollar Spot gets me every time.
- My four sisters and I were on Family Feud seven years ago and they are still showing the rerun (we lost).
- When I was eight years old I was locked in the library (I was reading and didn’t notice they closed) and the police had to be called. Pretty great concentration, right?
- I used to have FOUA (Fear of Using AAC) and sometimes I still do, but I just feel the fear and do it anyway.
Let’s keep talking. I’d love to give you my best secrets, strategies and shortcuts every week, they’ll come right to your inbox. Just sign up for my email list.

Learn more about AAC (Augmentative AlternativeCommunication) with practical courses and articles geared to help you overcome your FOUA (Fear of AAC).
My speech therapy products are created especially for children with complex communication needs using bright, simple graphics with no distracting clutter.
I love serving the world by inspiring Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) with stories and insights. My job is to make your job a little easier and a lot more fun.